Bathings 2019

6 września 2019

Dear Readers,
Craftsmanship, local region and tradition have always been the values that shape whatever we make and who we are. That’s why inside this issue of Bathings you will find stories that talk about the strong links between the history that preceded us, places and traditions, a precious beacon that also guides us in our innovations.
We have gone on a journey that has taken us to Italy’s far north, where we were able to admire the splendid architecture of the new Adler Lodge Ritten which has become a harmonious part of the Renon plateau. Respect and the memory of place are also themes we find in “Anima, testa, storia”, a piece devoted to Adolf Vallazza, an extraordinary and internationally renowned sculptor from Alto-Adige. Further south, our trip takes us to Civita Castellana where for over 50 years Vicenzo Dobboloni has been the historical memory of our ceramic region.
But journeys also provide inspiration, an opening towards the new. Like the collection Kube X in which we combined the market’s best available technology with slender, light forms; and like our additions to the range of Color Elements with Ardesia, Cenere and the precious finishings Gold and Platinum. Our itinerary concludes with a metropolitan cross-section of 5 cities in which we show you how to make even small bathrooms comfortable.
Dino Rossi