
GSI pro­duces san­i­tary, wash­basins, bidet, wc and ded­i­cated ac­ces­sories, through a pro­duc­tive process that ap­plies the cor­rect mix of tech­nol­ogy and skill, just as re­quired by the pe­cu­liar­ity of the prod­uct.

In this way the Com­pany par­tic­i­pates in an ac­tive and con­stant man­ner to the evo­lu­tion of the di­vi­sion of the Ital­ian ce­ramic san­i­tary, with de­signed prod­ucts to last through time and to meet with the real di­ver­si­fied needs of use, in terms of de­sign, func­tion­al­ity, com­fort and qual­ity.

Man­ual abil­ity and au­toma­tion, crafts­man­ship and tech­nol­ogy.
GSI prod­ucts are the re­sult of a com­plex de­vel­op­ment process which har­nesses the lat­est 3D sys­tem tech­nol­ogy in every phase of de­sign and pro­to­typ­ing. This is fol­lowed by a high pres­sure pro­duc­tion method, au­to­mated enam­elling and set­ting in a kiln run­ning at 1250°C.

The en­tire process is su­per­vised in de­tail by qual­i­fied staff who carry out con­stant qual­ity check­ing. Each phase of pro­duc­tion, and every item pro­duced, is tested against a strict qual­ity con­trol sys­tem con­form­ing to the lat­est Eu­ro­pean stan­dards. Tech­ni­cal, func­tional and aes­thetic re­quire­ments form a se­lected sys­tem of prod­ucts which al­low GSI ce­ram­ics to only of­fer its clien­tele prod­ucts that are of high level qual­ity en­dowed with the cer­ti­fied doc­u­ment CE.

Over the last few years, the com­pany has in­vested in the lat­est gen­er­a­tion pro­duc­tion plants; high pres­sure cast­ing sys­tems which are the most in­no­v­a­tive and ef­fi­cient in the sec­tor. This lat­est tech­nol­ogy, al­lows a qual­ity im­prove­ment and also grants a strict su­per­vi­sion through­out the en­tire pro­duc­tion phase, con­sid­er­ably rais­ing the qual­i­ta­tive stan­dards of the fin­ished prod­uct.

The con­tin­u­ous re­search of an own style aimed to an orig­i­nal de­sign and how­ever sober and el­e­gant, to­gether with the in­tro­duc­tion of tech­nol­ogy, al­lows a study of the forms and of the most ef­fi­cient func­tion­al­ity in re­duced time, every­thing with­out ever re­nounc­ing to the own tra­di­tion.

The at­ten­tion, al­most ob­ses­sive, for the de­tails and the style, later guar­an­tees a pro­duc­tion of high aes­thet­i­cal value, that iden­ti­fies it­self on the mar­ket for the great worth value of a Made in Italy ab­solutely ex­cel­lent to in­voice.

Ceramic process


Design and modeling: the birth of the “mother mould” ready for casting, either through pressure or traditionally, to create our sanitary ware.

GSI possesses the most advanced production technology currently available in the field of ceramics. The high pressure casting plant allows us to produce higher quality sanitary pieces in shorter time, around one piece every ten minutes. The moulds in resin remain unaltered: the first piece obtained is identical to the last. And for the traditional casting GSI is also in step with the times: the automization of this phase of production has been a practice at the company for years.


Drying and hand finishing for a smooth clean surface.

The work of refinishing which follows the pressing is performed manually: only our workers’ experience as craftsmen ensures that every section of the piece is flawlessly refinished.

In practical inspection booths that are equipped with special residue capture systems, the seams are planed down and the surfaces made smooth. After a meticulous cleaning that removes even the tiniest grains of dust, the piece is ready for glazing.


A homogeneous glazing, precise in every point to guarantee the highest hygienic standards and aesthetic excellence.

In the production cycle that ends up in the finished product GSI has innovated the glazing phase by adopting self-learning robots.
The operator carries out the spraying manually and the machine memorizes his movements and then constantly repeats them to the same high standards of artisanal craftsmanship. Programming by the department head makes it possible to adapt the speed of the glazing to other production phases.


Extraglaze® antibacterial for durability and sheen that will stand the test of time.

Automation of the movement of the pieces makes for an orderly transition from one phase to another while constantly ensuring the object’s safety.

Once the initial glazing is over, the piece goes on to the second glazing. After around 15 minutes it is ready for baking.


Firing in the tunnel kiln, testing and packaging: GSI pieces are ready to go out to our customers.

Operators place the cooled pieces on a pallet, but not all the pieces make it to the packing stage.

The objects are first carefully examined in the testing phase and only after they get past this strict quality control, are they sent for packing in cardboard boxes and protective layers. Now they are ready to be dispatched all over the world.


It’s not a paradox: a tradition survives over time only if it is constantly able to renew itself. Even if this means revamping the entire production cycle and adopting technologies that will noticeably improve the quality of our products. This is why GSI has decided to make the best use of our staff, entrusting
the most advanced equipment available in the ceramics sector to their knowledge and skills. To continue to move forward but with tradition behind us while creating the best possible product. That is GSI’s mission. At GSI we are aware that we have come a long way and that we owe a lot to our unique and precious heritage; but we also want to add a new chapter to that long story and the title of that chapter is: “The Future”.

GSI possesses the most advanced production technology currently available in the field of ceramics.


After the glazing process, the pieces are put on trolleys and sent for firing. The order in which the mobile trolleys are filled necessarily follows the sequence realized during the glazing phase. This order will later be changed for access to the kiln.

One strength of GSI’s production is most certainly its tunnel kiln. Arranged on mechanically running trolleys the sanitary pieces are placed in such a way as to best exploit the available space. The length of the tunnel and its power are indicative of the quality of GSI products because “a product that comes out of the kiln is a mirror of the company”.

The percentage of GSI products that do not get through the inspection phase is actually quite small; this is the result of intense efforts to innovate every phase of the production process. But even discarded pieces reenter a virtuous cycle of recovery: some are broken up to be reused as fire clay, others are glazed to meet the needs of environmental sustainability.