Extraglaze® Antibacterial

With Extraglaze® Antibacterial, GSI combines the properties of Extraglaze® anti-scale enamel with the antibacterial strength of Silver and Titanium, ensuring antibacterial action complying with standard ISO 22196.

This new sanitaryware glaze serves a dual purpose: to minimize the unevenness of ceramic surfaces and make them more hygienic. This new technology prevents limescale deposition, makes ceramic surfaces brighter, facilitates routine cleaning and reduces the bacterial load by 99.99%.

Extraglaze® Antibacterial rep­re­sents the lat­est goal achieved by GSI in in­no­va­tion and re­search, in or­der to pro­vide the high­est qual­ity within its prod­ucts.

Extraglaze® Antibacterial is a new ce­ramic glaze which by min­i­miz­ing the for­ma­tion of sur­face pores, makes the ce­ramic sur­faces smoother, brighter and eas­ily wash­able.

Extraglaze® Antibacterial is ap­plied to the prod­ucts dur­ing the pro­duc­tion cy­cle and prior to their fir­ing. In this way, the new enamel is an in­te­gral part of the ce­ramic and its per­ma­nent ef­fects. The re­sult is ex­tremely smooth, shiny and long last­ing ce­ramic sur­faces.

The prod­ucts treated with the Extraglaze® Antibacterial are more re­sis­tant to chem­i­cals, and thanks to the ex­treme smooth­ness and bright­ness, they are pro­tected from bac­te­ria and lime­stone and stay clean longer.

The Extraglaze® Antibacterial prop­er­ties re­flect pos­i­tively on en­vi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­ity thanks to the use of a re­duced amount of de­ter­gent and wa­ter dur­ing the clean­ing rou­tine op­er­a­tions.

The advantages of Extraglaze® Antibacterial

Compared with tradizional glaze

Total Hygiene

Tested and certified for guaranteed 99.99% antibacterial action.

Greater Shininess

Protects from limescale and preserves the ceramic’s original shininess for much longer.

Quick Cleaning

Special antibacterial action makes cleaning easier and faster for normal hygiene.

Respect for the Environment

Surface smoothness means a smaller quantity of the product is needed for cleaning.